Restauro e Riqualificazione di Palazzo Rattazzi nel cuore di Torino

Restauro e Riqualificazione di Palazzo Rattazzi nel cuore di Torino

Restauro e Riqualificazione di Palazzo Rattazzi nel cuore di Torino

Restauro e Riqualificazione di Palazzo Rattazzi nel cuore di Torino
2013 - in progress
Conservative restoration
Historical Investment Group S.r.l.
2.770 mq
Palazzo Rattazzi
Palazzo Rattazzi is a complex built in the 20s of the 1800, it suffered further works of change and adjustment, and faces the opposite courtyard of Palazzo Lanza, the latter also being restored and conserved by the action of the Historical Investment Group, in one unique re-qualifying intervention. Alike Palazzo Lanza, the project included the whole building, from the ground floor, where commercial premises have been created, to the attic where the restoration focused on the wooden covering and the skylights. From the entrance on via Rattazzi a ramp goes down to an underground garage, underneath the courtyard.