Progetto di studio as la sala polifunzionale dell'oratorio dell'Onda Giovane Salus

Progetto di studio as la sala polifunzionale dell'oratorio dell'Onda Giovane Salus

Progetto di studio as la sala polifunzionale dell'oratorio dell'Onda Giovane Salus

Progetto di studio as la sala polifunzionale dell'oratorio dell'Onda Giovane Salus
Onda Giovane Salus
In progress
Restructure and enlargement of the oratory
Onda Giovane Salus
300 mq
The intervention consists in restructuring a building of around 80 mq and enlarge it to create 300 mq of space with a covering destined to host the activities of the oratory. The new building on one floor will have an external thermic insulation block structure in wood-like foils and will be a multi-functional area with a small stage to support oratorical activities. In the pre-existing restructured building, an office, an after-school activity room, services and a kitchen will be placed.