Recupero e conversione dell'ex Mulino Indemini a destinazione residenziale

Recupero e conversione dell'ex Mulino Indemini a destinazione residenziale

Recupero e conversione dell'ex Mulino Indemini a destinazione residenziale

Recupero e conversione dell'ex Mulino Indemini a destinazione residenziale
Renovation and conversion of the ex-treadmill into residential houses
Zoppoli & Pulcher Partecipazioni S.p.a.
4.750 mq
Mulino Indemini
The project, built in the area covered by the ”ex Mulino Indemini”, connects to the “Renovation plan” following the rules related to the morphological characteristics and the use of materials. Two main blocks were built: one recalling the plant and the morphology of the pre-existing building, the other developing with an L-shaped plant characterized by a complex articulated structure to offer the best illuminations to the residential units.
Exposed bricks characterize the southern façade, along with regular porches and loggias that can be turned into “saving-energy greenhouses”. Light balconies, in wood and iron, not very deep, widen the loggias on the second and third floor whereas on the fourth floor the similar shape is a bit deeper.
Inside the complex, enclosed by the two buildings, a small courtyard with an irregular plant is formed. The internal square recalls the dimensions and the configuration of the original courtyard of the “Mulino” which, in the past, was the centre around which every production activity took place.