Riqualificazione del Cinema Monviso a Cuneo

Riqualificazione del Cinema Monviso a Cuneo

Riqualificazione del Cinema Monviso a Cuneo

Riqualificazione del Cinema Monviso a Cuneo
Functional renovation of the cinema
City of Cuneo
1.200 mq
Cinema Monviso
The Cinema-theatre Littorio was built in 1938 where the ex land-register building was, built in 1905, previously modified in the ‘20s into the Casa del Fascio, as city hall for patriotic demonstrations and cinematographic projections. Renamed Monviso after the liberation, it stayed closed from 1954 to 1980, and in 2000 it had to be restored. The inside organization and reconstruction of some areas lead to the enlargement of the hall, the creation of one unique great hall with a staircase from the ex-parterre to the ex-balconies, and access to all levels of the building. The access to the theatre is on an intermediate level, through the staircases on the sides, and on the elevator. The theatre hosts 300 seats in two sectors.
The outside of the building had many interventions of maintenance and restoration.