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In corso


Industrial building



Slp 3600 mq










Allamano  Olsa Group

In the Vadò area in Moncalieri a new industrial building is being built as an enlargement of the Olsa Group building, worldwide leader of lights and lighting components production for the automotive industry. For productive reasons the building of 3600 mq was designed to be built in a very short time: 5 months. Works are on schedule.

The industrial building was realized with prefabricated structures with pillars of m. 13.75 x 21.30 and beams with an inter-axle spacing of 21.30 m. The covering was made with a "Bacacier" structure and structural metal sheets. On the roof are translucent skylights – to let the light through and photovoltaic panels with a high energetic efficiency.


The pileup is made with sandwich tin panels insulated with polyurethane foam, for a total thickness of 12 cm, having a different external finishing: “pleated” for the central area and corrugated at the top and on the corners.

This aesthetic choice was determined by technical rules of local implementation to maintain a design in line with the cls prefabricated panels of the pre-existing buildings in the area. The colour will also be a light one, to recall the white finishing of the buildings nearby.

The choice of metal panels was mainly dictated by the need for better thermic and energy performances than those of cement panels.

 The building covers an area of 64.80 x  65.00 m which is 3 630 mq, and will host:

- a productive area

- two open-space offices

The As Studio has always been involved in the realization of the industrial buildings in this area, since it was founded. For this project the aesthetic and energetic aspect were renewed with new construction technologies.

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